Stirring Experience. Small Footprints.
Experience Wellness.
Unsere Werte:
„Being one with the local ethos“ We believe in a participatory ethos that draws insights and inspiration from the people and cultures where we are present.
„Caring for the local environment“ We consciously remember to touch nature with sensitive hands and respect the ecosystems that support us.
„Working with local communities“ We are aware that local communities are a part of the social fabric that bind us. We reach out to them in numerous ways that include employment and a host of social, economic and cultural interactions that mutually benefit and strengthen ties between us.
These driving elements are reflected in everything you see and xperience – from our architecture and locations to our people, services and activities!

Unsere Philosophie
Responsible Tourism

Lifestyle Retreat
- 24 Garden Villas
- „SwaSwara“ = Innere Stimme
- Strandlage
- Yoga & Meditation
- Ganzheitliches Wohlbefinden
- Einführung in die ayurvedische Lebensweise
- angeleitete Kreativ-Sessions wie Malen, Zeichnen, Töpfern

Kalari Kovilakom
NABH accredited Ayurveda Hospital
- 18 Suiten
- 12 Behandlungsräume
- „Kalari Kovilakom“ – Ort für die Seele
- Kurative & regenerative Ayurveda Therapie
- Holistischer Therapieansatz
- Reinigende Ghee-Therapie
- Therapeutisches Yoga & Atemtechnik

Kalari Rasayana
Ayurveda Hospital
- 22 Suiten
- 11 Behandlungsräume
- „Kalari Rasayana“ = „Ort der Schönheit“
- Ayurveda – Vermittlung eines „Way of Life“
- Einbezug der biologischeh, psychologischen, emotionalen Persönlichkeit
- Mind. Aufenthalt 14 Tage

Prakriti Shakti
Yoga and Nature Cure Hospital
- 19 Zimmer „Prakriti
- Shakti“ = Lebensenergie
- Indische Naturheilkunde
- Heilung von Körper & Geist
- Interaktion der 5 Naturelementen mit dem Körper
- Massagen zur Förderung der Vitalität, Nerven, Muskeln, Blutzirkulation
- Raw Food
- Intervallfasten
Eine Reise, die das Herz berührt.